
Technology Companies
AOL is up big this morning off of the news that they sold about 800 patents to Microsoft for over $1 billion.  This is a tremendous monetization of assets for AOL and will likely lead towards a special dividend for shareholders.  While you may have missed the opportunity in AOL I think the best investment...
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While Apple’s valuation is far cheaper than what we saw during the tech bubble, this type of constant one-upmanship on who can give the company a higher target price is very similar to that era.  A stock move to a one trillion dollar market cap is not unbelievable from these current lofty levels, but it...
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This article http://www.forbes.com/sites/ericsavitz/2012/03/21/6-reasons-why-i-dont-invest-in-the-u-s-stock-market/3/ in Fortune shows some key differences in how non-value investors look at the market versus how we do.  I’m going to address the authors 6 reason below: 1) Retirement Savings- The author cites the fact that the market has been flat over the last 15 years because so much retirement money has come into...
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