
Inflationary data continues to run much hotter than the Federal Reserve has expected.  This inflationary pressure is delaying, if not outright halting the Fed’s plans to reduce interest rates this year.  This is a very negative development given financial markets, had been rallying since October in the hopes of a rate -cutting cycle.  We always...
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Higher than expected inflation and geopolitical turmoil have begun to roil the equity markets of late, wiping out $1.3 trillion in value last week alone.  This past week, the S&P 500 declined by 3%, recording its 3rd consecutive week of declines.  The Nasdaq declined by 5.3%, which was its worst week since October 2022.  Many...
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Due to the rapid ascension of interest rates over the past two years, commercial real estate has seen a considerable decline in prices.  Different sectors of the commercial real estate market such as Office, are clearly more troubled.  However, areas such as multifamily, industrial, and retail are performing much better at an underlying business level. ...
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I’m going to tell a story to try to explain a few things that seem relevant in today’s markets and economy.  Driving home from the gym, I drove past my old work from my early 20’s.  It was an amazing job at a small futures and commodities brokerage that specialized on selling options on market...
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Equity markets, bond markets, and REITs are all seeing a September swoon, as higher rates are leading to selloffs.  We saw something similar occur last year, only to have the 4th quarter be quite strong for the equity markets, so we’ll see how things turn out.  Earnings season starts once again in about 2-3 weeks,...
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At T&T Capital Management, we avoided the massive losses most investors took from buying bonds at the incredibly low yields that prevailed over the last 15 years.  It was really simple, the interest rate risk wasn’t worth it, regardless of the ridiculous cookie-cutter asset allocation models that most financial advisors use, which almost always must...
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Happy New Year as we at T&T Capital Management are immensely excited to start 2023.  While 2022 was a nightmarish market for both equities and bonds, largely due to out of control inflationary pressure, and the disastrous war in Ukraine, I feel we are in a great position going into 2023.   One Warren Buffett...
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The S&P 500 is down roughly 20%, the Nasdaq was down nearly 33%, and the average 60/40 portfolio is down about 17%.  As we’ve discussed many times over the year, it is very rare that both stocks and bonds perform so badly in the same year.  When you think back at 2020 and 2021, you...
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When we wrote to you last week, we mentioned an encouraging CPI report, but the market was waiting to see how Powell spoke the next day before showing any real rally.  As has been the status quo for the year, Powell spoke very hawkishly despite the enormous evidence that inflation has peaked and the economy...
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I hope you had a great Christmas!  Today I came across an interesting article on Bloomberg discussing the fact that the 6 big U.S. banks have combined to make nearly $1 trillion in profit over the last decade, despite being universally hated stemming from the last Financial Crisis, and dealing with a historically low interest...
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