
TTCM Newsletter

Our newsletter explores emerging trends and important news.  Stay current on the subjects that affect your money and investments.  Explore the wide range of topics in our newsletter by clicking any of the links below.

Buffett’s Commentary on Selling Stocks is Worth Noting

Last Saturday was the Berkshire Hathaway annual shareholder meeting and there was an interesting quote from Warren Buffett, after selling a chunk of his Apple stock. “I don’t mind at all, given current conditions, building our cash position.  When I look at the equity markets and the composition of what’s going on in the world,...
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How Do Bonds and Other Investments Protect Against Inflation?

Inflationary data continues to run much hotter than the Federal Reserve has expected.  This inflationary pressure is delaying, if not outright halting the Fed’s plans to reduce interest rates this year.  This is a very negative development given financial markets, had been rallying since October in the hopes of a rate -cutting cycle.  We always...
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T-bills Now Beating the QQQ’s on the Year

Higher than expected inflation and geopolitical turmoil have begun to roil the equity markets of late, wiping out $1.3 trillion in value last week alone.  This past week, the S&P 500 declined by 3%, recording its 3rd consecutive week of declines.  The Nasdaq declined by 5.3%, which was its worst week since October 2022.  Many...
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Blackstone Pays $10B For Multifamily REIT Highlighting Value Opportunity

Due to the rapid ascension of interest rates over the past two years, commercial real estate has seen a considerable decline in prices.  Different sectors of the commercial real estate market such as Office, are clearly more troubled.  However, areas such as multifamily, industrial, and retail are performing much better at an underlying business level. ...
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Happy Easter and a Long-Winded Story

I’m going to tell a story to try to explain a few things that seem relevant in today’s markets and economy.  Driving home from the gym, I drove past my old work from my early 20’s.  It was an amazing job at a small futures and commodities brokerage that specialized on selling options on market...
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Buffett Indicator is Screaming Bubble

Legendary investor Warren Buffett has previously referenced the “Buffett Indicator” as his favorite metric for a general overview of the optimism or pessimism priced into equity markets.  The Buffett Indicator measures the size of the U.S. stock market against the size of the economy by taking the total value of all publicly traded companies (measured...
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First Radio Show and Research Report

Earnings season has begun with very positive results shown thus far from the big banks, albeit a small sample size.  I’ll be posting a lot of commentary on the market and specific investments as these results continue to come in.  While there is tremendous uncertainty in so many areas, it is important not to let...
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7 Stocks versus the Rest of the Market

Equity markets, bond markets, and REITs are all seeing a September swoon, as higher rates are leading to selloffs.  We saw something similar occur last year, only to have the 4th quarter be quite strong for the equity markets, so we’ll see how things turn out.  Earnings season starts once again in about 2-3 weeks,...
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The Opportunity in Value Stocks

I’d like to direct your attention to the two images at the top, which were brought to my attention by a friend of mine in the industry, Tobias Carlisle.  The first chart shows the compound returns of the highest 10% price to cash flow stocks (glamour) and the lowest 10% price to cash flow stocks...
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Bond Example with a Yield-to-Maturity of 9.7%

At T&T Capital Management, we avoided the massive losses most investors took from buying bonds at the incredibly low yields that prevailed over the last 15 years.  It was really simple, the interest rate risk wasn’t worth it, regardless of the ridiculous cookie-cutter asset allocation models that most financial advisors use, which almost always must...
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Real Estate and High Dividends are on Sale

2023 has been a really strange year.  AI euphoria has captured the attention of Wall Street and investors.  To be clear, the impact of AI is likely to be as powerful as that of the internet in many respects, or at least on the same wavelength.  With that said, euphoria tends to create bubbles and...
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High Income Opportunities in a Pricey Market

The top 10 stocks in the S&P 500 now account for more than 1/3rd of the value of the S&P 500.  Valuations in this group are vastly elevated compared to their historical levels, highlighted by Nvidia trading at a staggering 41 times sales.  It’s hard not to compare today’s environment in the large cap Technology...
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July 25th Value After Hours Podcast

Today I had the opportunity to do the podcast Value After Hours with Tobias Carlisle and Jake Taylor.  We discussed current market valuations, the banking “crisis”, the opportunities we are finding in high-yield bonds, ALLY Financial, etc.  I hope that you enjoy!   Podcast Video
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How to Attain a Lost Decade of Performance by Chasing a Bubble?

You likely are sensing a bit of a theme with recent articles discussing what I believe to be a pretty substantial equity bubble, centered on the Megacap stocks dominating the market.  To be clear, I think there is still value in some of them, and we actually own some of them, although our exposures are...
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Retirees Allocating More and More to Equities Despite Elevated Valuations

Today I was reading an interesting article in the WSJ describing the increased risk-taking that many retirees and near-retirees are taking with their investment portfolios.     For instance, “nearly half of Vanguard 401(k) investors actively managing their money and over age 55 held more than 70% of their portfolios in stocks.  In 2011, 38% did so.  At...
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