
European Union
I’ve received many questions on really what the Brexit means. It is a rather confusing subject in many ways so I found a very good article that does a better job explaining it than I could personally. I wouldn’t pay too much consideration into the last few days trading since the results of the election...
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Last Thursday’s Brexit vote led to a historically nightmarish day in the financial markets: Indexes across the globe were down between 3-10%. The British pound dropped from a high of $1.50 to $1.32, before finally recovering to $1.37, down an enormous 9% for the currency. European banks stocks were down between 15 and 20%. S....
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Last night’s vote for Great Britain to exit the EU was a massive shot to the bow of the European establishment. While polls had been even, the betting odds were basically 8-1 that the country would stay in the EU, so markets are quite shocked at the result. In overnight trading, just about every asset...
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Investing is when one buys an asset with the expectation of a profit over time, based on fundamental analysis that provides a strong rationale for this expectation. It is also known that publicly traded securities, by definition, fluctuate and can change prices violently based on short-term emotions of market participants. There is a reason why...
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  Since the extremely weak May jobs report, interest rates have plummeted across the globe. There are now over $10 trillion in bonds that are trading at negative interest rates. This is unprecedented as the buyers of these bonds are guaranteeing themselves losses if they hold until maturity. This has pushed asset prices up as...
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I’m glad to see that the Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti is ratcheting up pressure on the German’s to be more flexible in aiding peripheral Europe.  I really don’t think the Germans have any choice if there wish is to save the European Union.  With the current disruptions in Spain due to the restructuring of...
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