
T and T Capital Management
Dear Investors, What a difference a change in the calendar can make!  The end of 2018 saw some of the worst declines we have seen since the Great Recession, but 2019 has started off extremely well.  Far more importantly than short-term stock performance though, are the earnings developments from the companies that ultimately drive long-term...
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Dear Investors, Today’s nonfarm payrolls number blew the top off expectations with a seasonally adjusted 312,000 job gains in December. After upward revisions to October and November, the U.S. added 2.64MM net payrolls in 2018. This was the best year for job growth since 2015. That is a very different narrative than the one market...
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Dear Investors, Happy New Year to you all and we are optimistic about a bright 2019 and beyond. I wanted to step away for a moment from commenting on the market and instead engage with you on a broader level about what we hope to accomplish as a firm in the service that we provide...
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Dear Investors, October 11th marks our 7th anniversary since we started T&T Capital Management in 2011.  We cannot express to you how thankful we are to each and every client for entrusting us with your hard-earned assets.  Our mission has not changed one iota.  We want to provide what we believe to be the best...
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I recently read a WSJ article about a retirement community in Northern California that has become divided due to one group wanting to spend $300K to build a pickleball court, and one group that opposes it because they don’t want to see their association fees increase.  The article rings a tone of income inequality, which...
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Dear Investors, As expected, the economic reality in Puerto Rico continues to improve. Recovery funds have stimulated growth in a similar manner that we have seen from other natural disaster-stricken areas.  That doesn’t mean that Puerto Rico has become the new Hong Kong and is now a thriving economy, just like Rome was not built...
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Dear Investors, I came across an interesting article of a man that invested around $120K into bitcoin in November 2017.  In just one month, that investment turned into $500,000.  In the ensuing Crypto Crash, this man lost 96% of his initial investment, which would put his account at about $4,800.  There are a few things...
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Dear Investors, I came across a really great article this morning that I wanted to pass on to you, as it is highly relevant in today’s market environment. In a bull market, the person that looks smartest in the short-term is generally the one that is most aggressive.  Almost always, those people get burned in...
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Dear Investors, One of our favorite investments in today’s market is the common stock of ALLY Financial (ALLY).  This is a company that we have done quite well on over the years, but that has improved the fundamentals of its business at an even faster rate.  Our investments in ALLY have generally been centered on...
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Dear Investors, Earnings season is almost over and has been a very busy time as usual. There are a lot of positive developments occurring with most of our investments. Some of this has been obscured by global concerns over Turkey and emerging markets, but over time the fundamentals of the businesses themselves are what matters....
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    7242 East Cortez Rd
    Scottsdale, AZ 85260
    Phone: 805-886-8140
    Fax : 949-335-9784

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