
T and T Capital Management
In a recent interview on CNBC, Warren Buffett mentioned that if interest rates were to stay below 3% on the 10-year, stocks are incredibly cheap.  I talked about the same thing in the recent podcast with Tobias Carlisle.  The reason that this is so, is because interest rates have an almost gravitational impact on stocks....
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There is the saying “time heals all wounds,” which has likely been around for centuries, and for good reason.  Whether it is an injury, or a broken heart, time truly is a great healer.  When it comes to investing though, time can create a mental fog of sorts, as recency bias can outweigh the realities...
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Respected author and value investor Tobias Carlisle, interviewed T&T Capital Management CEO/CIO on his Acquirers Multiple podcast.  The two discussed various investments such as Assured Guaranty, Puerto Rico bonds, and Kennedy-Wilson.  They also delved into topics such as passive investing and market valuations.  We hope that you enjoy!
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The Retirement Crisis White Paper   Dear Investor,   When you are in the midst of a bull market, it can be very easy to lose your sense of risk.  Even though this bull market endured rather quick bear markets in 2011, 2015-2016, and in 2018, the general trend has been upwards.  Investors that have...
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6 Tips to Increase Your Odds of a Successful Retirement Finances are one of the most common sources of stress that we face in life.  Unfortunately, many people find themselves woefully unprepared.  According to the U.S. Government Accountability Office, nearly one half of those approaching retirement age (55 and up) had nothing saved in a...
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Dear Investors, On February 25th, Warren Buffett was interviewed at length by CNBC.  I only saw highlights of it, but there was some very interesting conversation regarding banks. “On CNBC, Buffett said that JPMorgan Chase, Berkshire’s newest big holding, is attractively priced. He noted that investors should be willing to pay at least three times...
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Dear Investors, It is very easy for market participants to project recent history far into the future.  How many people remember that between 1995 to March 2009, the S&P 500 returns actually lagged those of lowly Treasury bills?  That might not seem like a big deal today looking in the rear-view mirror, but for people...
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Dear Investors, On Monday, a positive step was made towards resolving the Puerto Rico debt restructuring, as the judge approved the Plan of Adjustment for Puerto Rico’s COFINA sales tax bonds. COFINA senior and junior bondholders will recover 93 cents and 56.4 cents on the dollar, respectively. Puerto Rico benefits by saving $17 billion in...
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Dear Investors, The 4th quarter of 2018 was truly fascinating from the perspective of investor psychology. In the beginning of the downturn, most market participants were still quite optimistic that it was just a temporary setback in a bull market. As the quarter progressed and the selling picked up steam, the psychology turned to fears...
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Dear Investors, Lately, I’ve heard from a few different people about some disastrous trading experiences that have occurred from following newsletters and/or broker recommendations. These stories really can be upsetting as people are basically lighting their hard-earned money on fire on activities where the odds are stacked against them. I wanted to write about a...
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    Scottsdale, AZ 85260
    Phone: 805-886-8140
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