
  Since the extremely weak May jobs report, interest rates have plummeted across the globe. There are now over $10 trillion in bonds that are trading at negative interest rates. This is unprecedented as the buyers of these bonds are guaranteeing themselves losses if they hold until maturity. This has pushed asset prices up as...
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Today the U.S. economy posted terrible jobs growth furthering concern of an economic slowdown.  Over the last 3 months the U.S. economy has only created 225,000 jobs which is truly abysmal.  While the Federal Reserve has done everything it can, the government needs to implement job programs and get more aggressive in promoting growth.  It...
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One area of lending that is looking particularly risky right now is student lending.  The costs of education have increased dramatically, and students are bearing the brunt of these huge debt loads in an economy that is not flush with high paying jobs for recent graduates.  Just as healthcare costs are a concern for our...
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One of the biggest problems that has hurt the economy and the markets was the precipitous drop in consumer confidence which hit record lows during the “Great Recession.”  While consumer confidence is a lagging indicator I feel that we are still fairly early into the economic recovery, and I believe numbers will improve as jobs...
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